Debbie Harry Faces It • On Kerouac’s Original Road • Art & Craft of Memoir • Reading & Writing in Jail
Listen to “Episode 3. Debbie Harry Faces It • Kerouac’s Road • Writing Jail” on Spreaker.
Episode links & coolness:
How to write:
- grab a pencil (you can erase, when you do, it’s called “to PALIMPSEST”) or a crayon.
- Make lists of whatever comes up. Don’t “try”
- Repeat
…Fly with them: London City Airport
…Mary Folliet NYC, literary consultant – she’ll help you write. All levels, types, quirks & personalities accepted
…Lucid Dreaming: a.k.a. oneironauticum practice
…On Grief: Psychology Today

Of a Monstrous Child
(note: University of Adelaide is a fab ebook source)
Bartelby the Scrivener
Short novella by Herman Melville
(pretty good Independent review here)
Autobiography of Mark Twain
by Mark Twain [Samuel Clemens]
by Oscar Wilde
The Art of the Personal Essay: An Anthology from the Classical Era to Present edited by Phillip Lopate

ON THE ROAD at the New York Public Library
On The Road Original Scroll info (a very good literary review of the book and movie)
by Debbie Harry

more here: Live @nd InConcert, 1996
Often imitated (especially lately – more on that later),
but never out-sung…one of the greats:
by Harvey Fierstein
Book • Tony Winning Play • Film
Pretty Broken Punks: lipstick, leather jeans, a death of New York
by Martin Belk
(if you want an easy e-book version, put out by my dear friend and the hardest woman working in publishing, Debbie McGowan at BEATEN TRACK PUBLISHING)
My Writer-In-Residence (well, not entirely resident, but still) programme for the young men in the jail. Best. Work. Ever.
Scottish Review of Books Article “A Ballad of Reading in Gaol”, 2010
Scottish SUN article
Poetic Justice
…and I must say, although I am no fan of Murdoch, at all. Whatsoever. This writer, while taking creative liberties (I was never a ‘club boss’) did a great job. (All too often they stir up nonsense about this subject). To be fair: I never concerned myself with guilt or innocence. In fact, only one out of about 200 ever claimed “It wasn’t me”.
Ok and one last (I promise) Letterkenny link, writer-genius Jared Keeso on slang, what’s actually funny & unsafe humour